This year our workshops in the London and Oxford County Areas will be run by our own Executive Director Sarah.

Sarah was brought up in Oxford County and resides there today in the countryside. Nature and photography have always been a big passion of hers and she finds herself outside often.

You can find out more about Sarah in her bio.

Want to learn how our workshop ties in with the curriculum? Check out our new Teacher Resources Page to learn more about the details of our workshops.

What Teachers Had to Say in 2023:

“The strengths of the program are Sarah's ability to be engaging with information on the elements of design, how to use a digital camera, and photo editing in a room full of 10 year olds. She also came with an ability to understand/know when students have sat down for too long and needed a body break before resuming (WHAT A BONUS!!). She was patient with all the students who had many questions to answer and who demanded a lot of her attention. She was knowledgeable with the information she knew and it helped that she was very passionate about the workshop and what it can do for the creativity of students.” - Princess

“I was impressed with the depth of knowledge presented in that amount of time. They learned about many technical photo terms and ideas, but also learned about photo editing! Those are both major concepts that they all seemed to tackle very well thanks to your great presentation and teaching. I like how you were non-judgemental of their photos, even when they revved the settings up too far.” - Kathleen

“It was very well done. I got feedback from parents who were in the room for the presentation and they were pleased and felt the workshop was great and was so happy we were providing their child this opportunity.” -Louise